We shall all die in time, and leave behind us legacies of love and friendship, of family and friends and of the lives we’ve lived.
The Church of England has always encouraged people to make wills, and at St Mary’s we encourage that too.
Making a will ensures that the assets in your Estate are distributed as you see fit. Many people will of course leave the bulk of their assets to their families, and favourite “good causes”.
Please consider including St Mary’s.
We struggle to meet our expenses year by year, and have always relied on legacies to support our service to the community
The daunting costs of upkeep of our beautiful Grade 2* listed church must also be met.
A key element of our work in the community is youth work and pastoral outreach.
First, make sure you have a will in place that includes how you would like to distribute your assets using either your own solicitor or the service provided by the Church of England. (www.churchlegacy.org.uk)
Please contact Rev Paul Mundy or any member of our Treasurer’s team if you would like assistance.
Please remember that St Mary’s is a charity, so gifts to St Mary’s are free of Inheritance Tax.
Many people find the idea of their assets continuing their work and witness for the Lord, long after they have died, a blessed and rewarding prospect.