A fun club for the young people of the village.
Where? The Barn Centre
When? Wednesday evenings during term-time. Time? 18.00 Juniors and 19.30 Seniors
Juniors: 11-15 years
Seniors: 16-18 years
**Check out the new "Encounter" programme starting Tuesday 24th September (bottom of this page).
Newick Youth Club is open for young people from year 7 upwards in Newick and Chailey.
Established in 2017 our Youth Club has grown to a membership of over 80 young people, meeting once a week during term time.
NYC is a community youth club open to all, and supported by St Mary's Newick and St Peter's Chailey.
NYC is expanding its range of activities. There is an annual camp in May, and in 2024 the Club will be offering Duke of Edinburgh Award training for the first time.
NYC runs an ambitious and popular series of Summer Specials on the Newick recreation ground, and social events for young people.
NYC employs part time professional youth workers, but also relies on an amazing group of volunteers from the local community, including our Young Leaders who help with NYC as part of their DofE.
All costs for our Youth Work come from our Churches general funds, and there is currently no outside grant funding.
But money is tight, and we'd love to do more Please help us if you can.
Relatively small amounts can make a real difference to us. We support families who struggle financially to attend our events, and our "Summer Specials" on the Rec average out at £300 each and of course the professional help we bring in is a major experise
As a Registered Charity any donations you make are open to Gift Aid.
You can make donations by BACS to our account no. 90773281, sort code 09-01-54 in the name of Newick P C C.
Please use the reference Youth Appeal.
Charity No: 1050785
We are delighted to announce that a new Group ENCOUNTER is starting Tuesday, 24th September. It's running during term time and led by Lee and Josh from 4.30-5.30pm 🙂
Games, food and an open space for conversations about life, faith and purpose.
No need to sign up. See you there !