The PCC, working closely with the Rector, is responsible for the overall wellbeing, practical as well as spiritual, of the Church, the church members and church buildings. The PCC also has a duty to promote the mission of the Church within the wider community. Church Members are encouraged to stand for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) providing a balance of skills and experience.
The PCC is registered with the Charity Commission (No 1138070) under the Charities Act 2011. Its governing document is the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956. Membership is determined under the new Church Representation Rules 2020. Membership consists of the Rector, ex-officio members, Churchwardens, Lay Readers, Members of Deanery Synod and up to twelve members of the Church who are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) or later co-opted during the year.
PCC members take the lead along with members of the congregation on a number of issues: developing our mission; safeguarding; finance; health and safety; outward giving; fabric; churchyard; barn centre; pastoral care; special events such as the Christmas Tree Festival.
Reverend Paul Mundy
Sara Fuller
Christopher Hume
Jeremy Burdett
Geoffrey Clinton
Ian Reekie
Jeremy Burdett
Patricia Bailey
Kate Francis
Christopher Hume
Rob Bellis
Caroline Smith
Anthony Bailey
Mandy Stockwell
Dan Cowley
Linda Farmer
Jonathan Fenton-Vince
Audrey Ford
Anthony Mallinson
Pam Mundy
Rev’d. Paul Mundy, Tony Bailey, Jeremy Burdett, Geoff Clinton, Sara Fuller, Christopher Hume (Chair), Rob Bellis
Tony Bailey (Chair), Patsy Bailey, Sue Balloch(Secretary), Linda Farmer, Rosemary Walters
Caroline Smith, Rev’d. Paul Mundy, Linda Farmer
Christopher Hume, Robin Parris, Ruth Connellan, Ian Reekie
Anthony Bailey, Christopher Hume
Patsy Bailey, Pat Beeston, Jebby Dyson, Ron and June Perou, Ian Reekie
Jeremy Burdett, Rev’d. Paul Mundy, Ron and June Perou, Ian Reekie, Sue Balloch
Lee Buck, Rev’d. Paul Mundy, Patsy Bailey, Issy Baty, Pam Mundy
Christopher Hume, Alan Young, Tony Bailey
Sara Fuller, Rev’d Paul Mundy, Jenny Smerdon